This one came in the form of a 4-1 strangling, again at the hands of the Royals and their...obviously dominant...pitching staff.
I'll toot my own horn again, and remind everyone that I did say both D.J. Carrasco and Runelvys Hernandez could pose some trouble to the Giants, as both had come off good starts going into their series with San Francisco.
Yeah, I said it, but it was more a cautionary note than it was a real belief that the two would do something like combine to pitch 15 innings, allowing only nine hits and two runs between them.
Didn't see all that coming.
Anyhow, I'm going to do a game recap separately. In the meantime, I got a neat opportunity after the game to speak a moment with Mike Sweeney, the Royals 1B/DH, who took the day off to nurse a tender side (yeah, Royals didn't even need their best player to whip the Giants...jeez).
He is a great guy, first off. He was talking to a couple cousins of his and their friends and/or relatives. By the time I got there (after taking a pic of Royals rookie Shane Costa and exchanging a few kind words with him), there was really only six of us by the wall down the right field line in front of the camera pit.
He noticed my combination Giants/Royals attire and asked me, "Both, huh?" After replying, I mentioned I had a Giants website where I'd batted around the idea of him coming to S.F. in a trade.
"No, I don't want to get traded, though." he said immediately. "It's hard to get away from the rumors, but I really want to stay here."
Class acts aren't necessarily hard to come by, but they are much harder to come by than they were 20 years ago. Mike Sweeney is a class act. If he can't be with the Royals, I'd count myself lucky if he were with the Giants.
In any case, I asked him for a quick picture, and he obliged by throwin' up two fingers...

Mike Sweeney: PEACE!
Daniel, that rocks. I'm glad you got to the game, although that weather is among the worst I've seen. I went to a horrible Astros game a couple years ago in April; it took 4+ hours including rain delays, but it generally wasn't raining when they were actually playing. I don't know if I ever saw a game actually be played in the rain all the way through...
PS. The Giants stink. Today's game was atrocious, victory or no.
It's very odd that the Giants are not more than 9 games back still, and the Diamondbacks are losing right with the Giants.
The Dodgers have actually helped themselves by being mediocre when the rest of the division has been terrible.
But yes, Giants stink -- they are closer to the Rockies than they are to the Padres. That statement alone tells it all...
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